My Side …

April 9, 2007

Bourne Identity

Filed under: Lains .. hehe — shidiq @ 9:14 am


The Bourne Identity may be one of the tastiest bon bons of the summer season. Adapted from the Robert Ludlum novel, it’s a slick little spy picture with an arresting style all its own, courtesy of the red-hot craftsman Liman, who can apparently turn anything old-school into something with zip, freshness and the novelty of modern cinema at its most cannily inventive. “The Bourne Identity”, however, retains its old-fashioned espionage roots while Liman performs a stylized makeover that only enhances the film’s breadth and intelligence.

Bourne Supremacy

Filed under: Lains .. hehe — shidiq @ 9:00 am


The Bourne Supremacy: (John Powell) The film adaptation of the Jason Bourne road to self-discovery does well what it intends to do: show one ingenious character avoid death countless times, in situations that defy every reasonable boundary of logic. Bourne does this in many similar technically gifted ways as James Bond does, and with the success of both The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy on film, the smell of the franchise’s future is fresh indeed. While the plotlines of the Jason Bourne films are –once again, like the Bond films– ridiculous in their relentless attempts to produce convincing assassination scenarios.


Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1428 di Bali

Filed under: Origin — shidiq @ 8:41 am

Hari ini, 8 April 2007 diselenggarakan peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad 1428. beda dari tahun sebelumnya yang pernah kuikuti, kali ini aku ikut di Bali. Di Musholla Ar-Rahman, ceningan di daerah sesetan, kampus IALF bali. Kami berlima (aku,alin,yayak,iis dan defri) berangkat jam 8.30 dari kos Alin. Harusnya ada diana juga se, cuman dia kebetulan pas sakit. Jadi dia stay at home J kami berangkat jalan kaki, soalnya bakal seru kalo rame2. dan beneran .. seru.


 jalan.jpg (more…)

April 5, 2007

Should ‘Backscatter Technology’ be installed in Airports?

Filed under: Tech-kita :D — shidiq @ 10:16 am

Airplane has become a popular transportation facility in modern era. It gives so many advantages; one of which is enabling people to travel faster. However, this kind of vehicle often makes the passenger worried about their safety. This is because recently many crimes are committed in the departure lounge or even in the airplane. Some examples of the crimes are hijacking, bombing, drug smuggling, etc. As more people use airplane, it is getting difficult to check passengers manually for security purposes. For those reasons, airports need equipment to ensure passengers’ safety. This essay will criticize several claims that emphasize on disadvantages of using scanning technology as airports security equipment and show how the device offers so many advantages in the future.


March 26, 2007

Foto Kelas

Filed under: Lains .. hehe — shidiq @ 7:54 am


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